Powder Flow in Pharmaceutics  | KN 6857

- fundamentals and applications 21.04. - 22.04.2021 | live online workshop, Germany


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- no installation necessary
- live online workshop

Kursprogramm zum Download


The course is designed for all scientists involved in the development and manufactureof solid dosage forms.


The two day course will provide profound and essential knowledgeon particle powder flow with special focus on fundamentals andapplications necessary for daily work in development and manufactureof solid dosage forms. Day one gives an overview aboutfundamentals and analytical methods. In addition equipment manufacturerswill present in the market place hands-on informationon measurements and sample preparation. In an evaluation workshopthe participants will work together in small groups on upfrontprovided tasks to use the theoretical knowledge on tasks from dailylife. The second day is focused on apllications of powder flowknowledge, e.g. tanletting, capsule filling and hooper discharge.


Industry Day 1 500,00 €
Industry Day 2 500,00 €
Industry Both Days 900,00 €
Academia/Government Day 1 250,00 €
Academia/Government Day 2 250,00 €
Academia/Government Both Days 450,00 €
Students Day 1 85,00 €
Students Day 2 85,00 €
Students Both Days 150,00 €
Alle Preise mehrwertsteuerfrei gemäß § 4,22 UStG



Dr. Martin Bornhöft
Tel.: +49 6131 9769-0
Fax: +49 6131 9769-69
E-Mail: apv@apv-mainz.de
www: https://www.apv-mainz.de/