APV Task Forces

Weitere Informationen und Angaben zu den nächsten Terminen erhalten Sie bei Dr. Martin Bornhöft.

New APV Task Force Digital Formulation & Process Design

Dear APV members,
The APV announces a Task Force dedicated to „Digital Formulation & Process Design", kindly supported and managed by Adrian Funke, Bayer AG.

Digital tools and in silico predictions are increasingly used in industry today, in the field of modelling & simulation, process monitoring and control and others. With this task force, we want to provide a platform for an interdisciplinary exchange between e.g. pharmacists, engineers and data scientists, both from industry and academia, interested in using digital tools in order to accelerate formulation and process design. We would like to discuss topics such as data structures, FAIR data, regulatory acceptance of digital models as well as approaches on how to up-skill our existing and future workforce. However, GMP aspects such as data integrity and CSV are out of scope.

An initial online call is scheduled for 16 November 2023 at 10.00 h (CEST) as a zoom meeting and should last about 90 minutes.

If you are interested to join the Task Force, please send a short notice to info@apv.mainz.de.
Kind regards,
Adrian Funke and the APV headquarters

APV Task Force dedicated to „Titanium dioxide ban in foods - implications for the pharmaceutical industry"

The APV announces a Task Force dedicated to „Titanium dioxide ban in foods - implications for the pharmaceutical industry".

The next online call is scheduled for 17 Oktober 2023 at 09.00 h (CEST) as a zoom meeting and should last about 90 minutes.

If you are interetesed to join the Task Force, please send a short notice to ap@apv-mainz.de.



APV Task Force PaCeMe In

The Task Force is dedicated to bulit a research consortium for method development to evaluate “acceptability” (identify the delta’s methodologies to generate evidence for patient-centric drug product acceptability). The next online call will be on 05 October 2023 (16:00 pm, CEST). There are scheduled meetings about every 4 weeks.
If you are interetesed to join the Task Force, please send a short notice to ap@apv-mainz.de.

APV Task Force „F&F Processes and Technology for CT- and GT-Products"

If you are interetesed to join the Task Force, please send a short notice to mb@apv-mainz.de.

APV Task Force Continuous manufacturing

Please feel free to join the task force as member! To get further information, please send an mail to mb@apv-mainz.de.

APV Task Force Modelling & Simulation and Statistics

The Task Force is open for other persons, who are interested in active and constructive participation. Please contact for further information and for registration: mb@apv-mainz.de.

More Information, please click here.

Please contact for further information and for registration: mb@apv-mainz.de

APV Task Force Nitrosamine

Die Task Force steht allen Personen offen, die an einer aktiven und konstruktiven Beteiligung interessiert sind. Zögern Sie nicht, der Task Force als Mitglied beizutreten!

Zur Anmeldung und für weitere Informationen senden Sie bitte eine Mail an mb@apv-mainz.de.

Task Force Individualised Medicine

The Task Force is open for other persons, who are interested in active and constructive participation. Please contact for further information and for registration: mb@apv-mainz.de.

APV Task Force Nanoformulations

The Task Force is open for other persons, who are interested in active and constructive participation. Please contact for further information and for registration: mb@apv-mainz.de.

APV Task Force Aseptik

Weitere Informationen und Angaben zu den nächsten Terminen erhalten Sie bei mb@apv-mainz.de.

Gründung weiterer Task Forces

Liebe APV Mitglieder,

die APV möchte weitere Task Forces, in denen Networking und Informationsaustausch zu aktuellem Themen betrieben werden sollen, einrichten. Die Task Forces nutzen dazu Telefonkonferenzen und/oder face to face meetings.

Alle interessierten APV-Mitglieder sind herzlich eingeladen, Themenvorschläge für Task Forces einzusenden und an diesen Task Forces teilzunehmen. Bei Interesse senden Sie bitte eine formlose email an mb@apv-mainz.de

 Aktuelle Themenvorschläge finden Sie in der folgenden Auflistung:

 APV Task Force Outsouring

 APV Task Force Veterinary drugs

 Ihre APV-Geschäftsstelle